Color Fun Run

The Second Annual Echo Ridge Color Fun Run earned $1144 towards our new sandbox!



This year's Color Run is raising money for our student-designed and student-built sandbox project. This page has information, and the option to sign up, for parents, volunteers and sponsors.

Parent information

  • Please encourage your child to get sponsors for this event – the more sponsors and the more miles, the more money raised towards the sandbox project.
  • Students are asked collect pledges from now until the day of the run.
  • Students who have at least $20 in pledges will get a commemorative T-Shirt for the run.
  • Anyone can order your own commemorative t-shirt for $15 each.
  • Scroll down for volunteering, sponsoring and to sign up for t-shirts

Sponsor information

  • Sponsors can pledge a certain amount per mile (grades 3-6), or per lap around the field (grades K-2).
  • You can also pledge a flat amount.
  • You can also order your own commemorative T-shirt for $15 each!
  • Scroll down here for the sponsorship sign up form 

Volunteer information

  • We will need a volunteers to help on the day of the event – from 10:30-12:30
  • We are accepting donated snacks and drinks for the participants.
  • Sign ups for volunteering are in the form below.


Sign up form for volunteering, t-shirts and sponsoring

Go to this URL to pay online